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About us
Center of excellence
in Public Financial Management
& Governance
Opening Statement 2024

We welcome the year 2025 with renewed hope despite the immense challenges facing Lebanon. 

Throughout 2024, we have challenged ourselves to stay relevant to our constituents in pursuing our mission to build national competencies in public financial management and provide decision-makers with evidence-based research, while the crisis were decimating remaining capabilities across the public sector; ones that take substantive time and effort to rebuild. 

We acted that “While crises do not last, strong institutions do”. We remained steadfast in our choices and committed to collaborative work that strengthens institutions, responsibilizes citizens, and creates a conducive ecosystem for development and change.

Informed by national economic and financial data and global trends, our team has outlined a plan for 2025, which includes :

1. Promoting societal dialogue on available solutions for public finance and governance reforms, including public investment management, tax reform, social spending, budgeting, public procurement, and more.

2. Sustaining efforts to enhance budget transparency through the Citizen Budget, the Lebanon Budget data platform, and fostering public understanding of the budget, especially among economic journalists and civil society organizations.

3. Building national capacities in public procurement through specialized programs and supporting tools on planning, contract management, and more.

4. Enhancing national capacities in public financial management through new training programs such as public accounting and stock management. 

5. Strengthening the capabilities of our trainers through programs that support their career advancement, expose them to state-of-the-art knowledge modern learning their fields of expertise and enhance their skills in adult training methods.

6. Raising financial and economic awareness among the youth and promoting their involvement in public affairs.

7. Collaborating with international partners on initiatives addressing critical topics such as the State budget, economic development, and digital transformation.

The Library of Finance will also continue raising awareness on the latest local and global financial and economic developments through its webinars, podcasts, and other activities.

Finally, we invite all of you to explore the Institute's "Nataallam" e-learning platform and enroll in its programs. 

As we move forward with our 2025 program, the institute's management and team remain at your service, fully invested in their mission of public service. 


The Institut des Finances, center of excellence specialized in Public Financial Management and Governance, was founded in 1996, shortly after the end of the civil war, in cooperation with the French Government as a bilateral cooperation project to build capacities in public financial management and improve fiscal transparency in support of the rehabilitation and recovery of Lebanese public sector. 

It was granted the status of Public autonomous agency in 2003, enjoying financial and administrative autonomy, operating under the tutelage of the Lebanese Minister of Finance and audited by the court of Accounts. 

In 2006, it was renamed Institut des Finances Basil Fuleihan in honor of the late Minister of Economy. 


The Institut des Finances leads and accompanies public finance reforms through policy research and advice, capacity development, coaching, advocacy and coalition building in:

  • public procurement

  • fiscal transparency

  • taxation, customs

  • land management, etc.

It also actively contributes to building financial literacy of youth and facilitating access to information. To that end, it operates a public library. 

It also provides technical assistance to countries of the MENA region and contributed to the creation of finance institutes in the region.

Beyond its national role, it is a platform for regional cooperation hosting the secretariat of the GIFT-MENA network of civil service training schools and the regional training center of the World Customs Organization (WCO).


Engaging with SDGs

SDG 4: Quality Education
We create opportunities for learning in Public Financial Management across Government.

SDG 5: Gender Equality
We empower women and promote gender mainstreaming in public sector.

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption & Production
We advocate for and promote good practices in sustainable public procurement.

SDG 16: Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions
We build national capacities to support effective, accountable and inclusive institutions.

SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
We contribute to global platforms of knowledge and nurture partenrships.

Partners and Clients
The World Bank
Agence francaise de developpement logo
Agence Française de Développement AFD
Tor Vergata logo
Universita di Roma - Tor Vergata
IOF in the News
أضرار الحرب الإسرائيلية على لبنان بالأرقام

...نشر معهد باسل فليحان المالي والاقتصادي تقريراً لخّص أبرز التداعيات التي تركتها الحرب الإسرائيليّة على لبنان



Phi Alpha Alpha Honorary Membership

In recognition of her « outstanding contributions to community development & public service », as well as her « relentless effort to make the world a better place », the Global Honor Society for Public Affairs and Administration welcomed the IoF president, Lamia Moubayed Bissat as an honorary member of Pi Alpha Alpha

Watch Ms. Moubayed testimonial


The Global Honor Society for students in Public Affairs & Administration

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Harvard Kennedy School Government Performance Lab | Procurement Excellence Network

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Next Legacy of Basil Fuleihan